Tired but happy. Sleepy now but couldn't sleep. Had too much sugar today.
I woke up today at 4am, it's another race day for me, and I'm doing 600m swim, 17km bike & 3.2km run.
DH and I headed straight to Ayala Alabang for the 5th Leg of the Speedo National Age Group Triathlon Race. We arrived few minutes before 6am. My race number today is "88" or Otso Otso hahahahaha.
Race Bib 88 |
DH and I did the usual stuff, preparing our things, checking in our bike, I lost track of time that it was actually the 3rd wave of the race for the Female Super Mini Sprint-- My wave!!! GRRRR all the girls are already in 2nd lane of the pool and I was the last to jump in!
Thank God I manage to catch up. Let me tell you why I'm in sugar high. Before the swim I ate 2 Lakatan Bananas and coffee. After the 600m swim I had Pocari Sweat and some power gel getting psyched to bike. Biking is my weakest part in this race.. because it involve too much speed, I don't like the thought of "falling" or "semplang" funny tagalog term hahaha. Anyway, the bike part turn out well, I was in rhythm with downhill and uphill. After the bike I took another Power Gel with natural honey on it and gulp it down with Pocari Sweat. I ran all the way to the finish line. I was hyper!!!
Swim |
Bike | | |
Run |
After I finish I couldn't locate my driver (and photographer today). I took a quick shirt change and fix my stuff.. and my name was called.. Ms. EBC, 5th place for the Super Mini Sprint Race. I COULDN'T BELIEVE IT!~!!
I never imagine in my life to get a medal in any sport. I was not active nor trained ever in sports. It was just 3 years ago that I got into running (because of
DH and his cousins). Instantly I was hooked, now I'm doing 3 sports and I actually look forward doing it 2-3 times weekly. I realized that being involved in any sport requires discipline.. you have to keep practicing to get better, and stronger. If in a few shots you give up, you'll never get to the goal.
I have come to realized to count each blessing, and I am so blessed to be able to get up each day to pray and worship my Lord Jesus; the joy to serve my husband and children; to unleash my creativity and talent to design/create beautiful jewelry and have it as a career; to swim, bike and run; to have opportunities i never could have dreamed of a few years ago. So, this medal belongs to Jesus. My Lord, The One who saves me from the miry pit of brokenness, pain & sin.. and taught me to reach my full potential today.
"Everything is possible for him who believes" Mark 9:23
In spiritual analogy, just like sports, it's the same discipline for our faith to grow..
What about you? Ask God to empower you to spend more consistent time with Him. This could be through prayer, reading His word, spending time in silence, worshiping Him through music, sitting with Him in nature, taking prayer walks, etc.